Center for Cell Control | Address
University of California, Los Angeles
Boelter Hall 7702
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-3798 |
Chih-Ming Ho | Director
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
School of Engineering and Applied Science
38-137J Engineering IV
420 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles , CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-9993
Fax: 310-206-2302
E-Mail: chihming@seas.ucla.edu |
Chien Sun | COO
University of California, Los Angeles
Boelter Hall 7702B
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 424-442-4050
E-Mail: sunc1@ucla.edu
Kelli Yang | Assistant to Professor Chih-Ming Ho
University of California, Los Angeles
38-137C Engineering IV
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-9993
E-Mail: kelli@ea.ucla.edu |
Duy Dang | Fund Manager
University of California, Los Angeles
38-137D Engineering IV
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-794-7856
E-Mail: ddang@ea.ucla.edu |
Saif Ebrahim | Web Master
University of California, Los Angeles
Boelter Hall 7702
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-3798
E-Mail: shoxv@ucla.edu |
Driving Directions
Mapquest Link
To the South Entrance (from 405 South)
- Take 405 (San Diego Freeway) to Wilshire Blvd. East
- Travel east three blocks to Westwood Blvd.
- Turn Left on Westwood Blvd.
- Travel five blocks to Parking & Information Booth
To the North Entrance (from 405 North)
- Take 405 (San Diego Freeway) to Sunset East
- Take Sunset east to Westwood Plaza
- Turn right on Westwood Plaza
- Proceed straight to Parking & Information Booth
From the East via 10 (Santa Monica Freeway)
- Take 10 (Santa Monica Freeway) to 405 (San Diego Freeway) North
- Take 405 (San Diego Freeway) to Wilshire Blvd. East
- Travel east three blocks to Westwood Blvd.
- Turn Left on Westwood Blvd.
- Travel five blocks to Parking & Information Kiosk
Walking Directions (to Dr. Ho's office from Parking Lot 6 or 9):
Dr. Ho's office is located in Engineering IV, Room 38-137J
Enter Engineering IV Building at the right hand entrance (facing the bldg. from the street)
- Enter, and make a right to the elevators
- Go up to the 3 rd floor
- Exit to the left, follow to the end of hallway and take a right
- Walk to the middle of the hallway for entrance to Suite 38 - 137 on leftside
- Enter Suite and Dr. Ho's office is the first one facing the entrance